It’s Our Birthday!

(Actually, I’m a few days late – fortunately, blogs don’t take offense at such things.)

In the past year, we’ve gone to six continents and through many genres of new international music.  Our goal here at Tuneiverse has always been to expose readers to songs that, while awesome, don’t always travel much outside their country, region or continent of origin.  Given our track record so far, we like to think we’ve succeeded.

But no!  We will not rest on our laurels!  We are succeedING.  There, that’s better.

It probably all started when I was a kid, and my local radio station of choice aired a music program from England late on Sunday nights.  After stumbling upon it, I quickly made it a habit to diligently stay awake to listen.  That’s how I came to realize that a lot of great music didn’t make it over to the U.S. airwaves.

Definitely had this clock-radio.

Probably not long after the rise of Napster – ah, those days when I’d leave my computer on overnight in hopes that I’d wake up to find that my thirty or so songs had downloaded via my 28.8k modem – I began following international charts online.  Some years later, I was following personal charts, radio stations, blogs, you name it.

At the ripe old age of twenty-something, I came to the realization that though many fantastic, widely read music blogs had popped up like mushrooms, there still wasn’t a one-stop shop for my music needs and wants.  There were charts, but there wasn’t even a blog that focused on contemporary music from all over the world.  Sure, this made music-hunting harder, but it never felt like a chore – even when I tried to navigate foreign-language websites using free translation services.

Then it occurred to me: I could create a blog like that.

Coming up with a name proved to be the most difficult part; that probably delayed the creation of this blog for a couple months.  I was in no rush, so I decided I’d let it come to me; you can’t always force inspiration.

Just think: in a generation or two, kids won't know what this is.

Then, it came to me.  And here we are!

That’s enough ramblin’ out of me for now.  Onto the music!

As some of you may know, I’m based out of New York City, and we’re expecting a lil’ hurricane this evening.  So, I’ve got a little something special prepared.  Stay tuned!

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